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Downloading from R2 via rclone

rclone configuration

First, you’ll need to add the account and secret key for the R2 bucket into your rclone configuration, You can follow along with the instructions from here, or copy the below configuration into your existing rclone configuration file, typically located at ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

type = s3
provider = Cloudflare
access_key_id = 43c31ff797ec2387177cabab6d18f15a
secret_access_key = afb354f05026f2512557922974e9dd2fdb21e5c2f5cbf929b35f0645fb284cf7
region = auto
endpoint =

rclone configuration inputs

Follow the instructions linked above. You will need three inputs specific to the R2 bucket:

access_key_id = 43c31ff797ec2387177cabab6d18f15a
secret_access_key = afb354f05026f2512557922974e9dd2fdb21e5c2f5cbf929b35f0645fb284cf7
endpoint =

Downloading with rclone

To understand more about the R2 object structure, check our schema documentation.

To retrieve the files using the rclone cli tool, you can then run the following command in a terminal with the provided credentials:

$ rclone copy r2://indexed-xyz-wnam/ethereum/raw/logs/v2.0.0/dt=2020-02-20/ .

This will download the Parquet files for the specified date into the current directory.

Keep in mind that data partitioned by date contains all rows for that particular day. If you want to filter for specific contracts, then you can do it after downloading the data.